
  • Cindy Elena Kartika Department of Architecture, Petra Christian University
  • Lilianny Sigit Arifin Department of Architecture, Petra Christian University



Kayutangan Street corridor, H=historical, open-air museum, augmented reality


The Kayutangan Corridor is one of the areas in Malang that holds many historical values, namely as a shopping center in the Dutch colonial era. However, the glory and history of kayutangan began to fade with the times. This research's general objective is to provide a design proposal for the Kayutangan corridor that can present historical stories of the buildings along the corridor, such as an open-air museum, with the building as its object. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research with a signage theory approach. The final result of this study is the proposed signage and pedestrian design in the Kayutangan corridor.


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How to Cite

Kartika, C. E., & Arifin, L. S. . (2021). STUDY OF OPEN-AIR MUSEUM ON KAYUTANGAN STREET CORRIDOR. DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 48(1), 75-86.


