
  • Ashadi Ashadi Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta




Architecture, Culture, Form, Function, Meaning


Architecture could be defined as the relation of form-function-meaning in a cultural framework. This paper aimed to understand the position of architecture in culture. The method used was correlation and interpretation. Correlation method connected architectural forms with cultural forms, while interpretation method provided an interpretation of the relationship between the two, and the position of architecture in culture. The results showed that architecture as part of culture had almost the same form between the two. Architectural term included forms, functions, meanings, and ideas, while cultural term included physical culture, behavior patterns or social, value, and ideas systems. The architectural form became part of the physical form of culture, the architectural function became part of the form of social cultural system, the architectural meaning became part of the cultural value system, and the architectural ideas became part of the cultural ideas systems


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How to Cite

Ashadi, A. (2021). POSITIONING ARCHITECTURE IN CULTURE. DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 47(1), 27-34. https://doi.org/10.9744/dimensi.47.1.27-34


