
  • Stephanus Evert Indrawan



Digital fabrication, design, architecture, interior, products.


The material processing for the needs of architectural, interior and furniture products were done manually all this time. Woodworking machinery (one of them is CNC) and CAD-based software were only been maximized as supporting tools to increase the speed of working process, resulting the outcome products were limited to manual working outcome only. This recent research on form processing aims to maximize the optimal use of material in the contexts of achieving structural ability and complex form. Plywood material becomes the focus in this research, due to its most frequent use in architecture, interior, and product design. With its texture that resembles the characteristics of original wood and its sheet-shaped form, this plywood material is easy to process and environmentally friendly. Digital fabrication enables the designer in design process and simulation through software to shorten the prototyping process which usually took loads of materials, thus can reduce the materials waste. The project that presented is an example of design production with physical examples.


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How to Cite

Indrawan, S. E. (2017). DESIGN FOR ENVIRONMENT AND FORM FINDINGS THROUGH DIGITAL FABRICATION. DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 44(2), 171-178.