MUTUALISM SYMBIOSIS BETWEEN PEDESTRIANS AND STREET VENDORS (Case Study: Pedestrian Ways in Dr Radjiman Street Surakarta)


  • Mila Karmilah Urban and Regional Planning Department, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Jl Raya Kaligawe Km 4 Semarang,
  • Tjoek Surosohadi Urban and Regional Planning Department, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Jl Raya Kaligawe Km 4 Semarang,
  • Ardiana Yuli Puspitasari Urban and Regional Planning Department, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Jl Raya Kaligawe Km 4 Semarang,



Mutualism symbiosis, pedestrian, street vendors


The spatial development of Surakarta is characterized as a transition city between residential and commercial activities. Within the area, the city center develops around the Kasunanan and the Mangkunegaran palaces; here in these two regions the study was conducted. The study conducted in Dr Radjiman Street Solo aims to analyze the characteristics and service facilities for pedestrians on this road segment. Generally speaking, this study is an analytical, descriptive study using qualitative rationalistic approach that focuses on the behavioral approach with behavioral mapping technique. Behavioral mapping approach is used because it is considered as the most suitable and supporting method to identify problems related to the relationship between human and its environment (its spatial system), as well as to make improvements on the design, especially in the commercial area of Dr Radjiman Street. According to this study, the perceptions of street vendors (PKL) are as follows: 1. Street vendors consider that the sidewalk is a space that they can use as a place for trading; 2. This is due to the trade location and their residential area is just as far as 1-2 km; 3. In addition, the merchants also consider that they (and their family) had used the location for more than >15 years, thus they unwilling to move away from that location. On the other hand, some factors which become visitor perceptions related to the existence of sidewalks in the Corridor of Dr. Radjiman Street are: 1. The visitors consider that the existence of street vendors make the pavement becomes such an uncomfort place (53.3%), this is because the space for pedestrians become narrowed for <3 meters.


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How to Cite

Karmilah, M., Surosohadi, T., & Puspitasari, A. Y. (2017). MUTUALISM SYMBIOSIS BETWEEN PEDESTRIANS AND STREET VENDORS (Case Study: Pedestrian Ways in Dr Radjiman Street Surakarta). DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 44(1), 61-66.


