
  • LAPENANGGA Apridus
  • SATWIKO Prasasto



Carbon footprint, climate change, detailed calculation, remote location, T-45 housing.


Carbon dioxide (CO2 and CO2e) concentration in the atmosphere steadily increases and, in some places, has passed 360ppm, which is the limiting point agreed by world leaders to slow down and stop global warming. Housing sectors have been claimed to emit significant amounts of CO2. This paper reports a research on the carbon footprint of a T-45 house in Kupang. The research calculated in detail the carbon emission of the house since its pre-construction stage (design process), construction stage, to the post-construction stage (house operation from year one to year 25). The T-45 house was selected as this type is the smallest standard house for a family of three in Indonesia. Literature, survey and analytical methods were adopted. The research found that the longer the house was used, the lower the carbon emission borne by each occupant per year. From year one to year 25, the total carbon emission borne by each occupant decreased from 3,590,793.44 to 145,568.38 kgCO2 per year. The construction stage emits a considerable amount of CO2 so that its carbon footprint still dominates the proportion of carbon emission per year per occupant, 98.61%. In the construction stage, use of cement in the wall and concrete structure works contributes the largest proportion of carbon emission, 96.7%. Therefore, using locally available construction materials, in particular, natural ones with less or zero carbon emission, is highly recommended.


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How to Cite

Apridus, L., & Prasasto, S. (2016). CARBON FOOTPRINT ANALYSIS OF A T-45 HOUSE IN KUPANG. DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 43(2), 77-84.