
  • Ira Mentayani Jurusan Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik-Universitas Lambung Mangkurat



Banjarese tribe, Bakumpai tribe, architectural and historical relationship.


This research is based on the phenomena of the existence of Banjarese traditional houses in Bakumpai tribe. This research compares 15 samples of traditional houses in Marabahan with 62 traditional houses in Banjarmasin. Based on the field observation, there are 5 types of traditional houses that look alike in both places. The five traditional houses are among the 11 types of Banjarese traditional houses, they are (1) Bubungan Tinggi type, (2) Balai Bini type, (3) Palimasan type, (4) Cacak Burung type, and (5) Joglo type. Based on the comparison analysis, it is concluded that there is a close relationship between the two places, Marabahan and Banjarmasin. This is shown by the similarity in space organization, the shape of the roof, name of the space, the function of the space, the structure and construction of the house, as well as the ornament applications. Nevertheless, there are some differences between the two places. The differences lie in the aspects of dimension and the motifs of carvings. While as traced through its history aspect, it is shown that the development of traditional architecture of Bakumpai tribe preceded the development of traditional architecture of Banjarese tribe. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Penelitian ini didasari fenomena adanya rumah tradisional suku Banjar di wilayah kediaman suku Bakumpai. Penelitian ini membandingkan antara 15 sampel rumah tradisional di wilayah Kota Marabahan dan 62 rumah tradisional di wilayah Kota Banjarmasin. Dari hasil pengamatan lapangan, diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat 5 (lima) tipe rumah tradisional yang sama di kedua wilayah. Ke-5 tipe rumah tradisioanl tersebut merujuk pada referensi 11 (sebelas) tipe rumah tradisional yang ada di wilayah suku Banjar. Lima tipe rumah tersebut adalah (1) tipe Bubungan Tinggi, (2) tipe Balai Bini, (3) tipe Palimasan, (4) tipe Cacak Burung, dan (5) tipe Joglo. Berdasar analisis perbandingan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang sangat erat antar kedua wilayah. Hubungan tersebut ditunjukan oleh kesamaan organisasi ruang, bentuk atap, nama ruang, fungsi ruang, struktur dan kontruksi, serta adanya ornamen. Namun demikian perbedaan tetap ada, yaitu pada aspek dimensi dan ragam hias.motif ukiran. Sedangkan dari aspek kesejarahan, bukti catatan sejarah menjelaskan bahwa perkembangan arsitektur tradisional suku Bakumpai berkembang mendahului perkembangan arsitektur tradisional suku Banjar. Kata kunci: Suku Banjar, Suku Bakumpai, Hubungan Arsitektural dan Sejarah.


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How to Cite

Mentayani, I. (2009). JEJAK HUBUNGAN ARSITEKTUR TRADISIONAL SUKU BANJAR DAN SUKU BAKUMPAI. DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 36(1), pp. 54-64. 54-64


