DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment) 2024-06-27T14:09:59+07:00 Dr. Danny S. Mintorogo Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of DIMENSI (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">p-ISSN 0126-219X</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">e-ISSN 2338-7858</a>) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the applications of architecture theory, sustainable built environment, architectural history, urban design and planning, as well as building structure. We accept National and International original research articles which are free of charged at this moment. The manuscript will be reviewed by two independent National or International advisory boards who are in their expert field.</p> <p>DIMENSI is published, twice a year, in July and December, by the Institute for Research and Community Services, Petra Christian University, Surabaya-Indonesia. DIMENSI will be distributed to other universities, research centers, and National or International advisory board as well as to regular subscribers.<br />The latest accreditation decree is No. 148/M/KPT/2020, dated 2 Agustus 2020, valid for 5 (five) years.</p> <p class="style1"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">accreditation certificate</a></p> EXPLORING INDIVIDUAL RESILIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING SPATIAL DISRUPTION 2024-06-27T14:09:59+07:00 Siti Luzviminda Harum Pratiwi Setyawan Ikaputra <p>There are many dimensions to the idea of resilience which is related to a person's or a system's ability to rebound to its initial configuration or condition as a counteraction to adversity or disruption, in which resilience is seen from an intangible perspective. Furthermore, resilience as a response to disruption is influenced by protective factors to overcome risk factors. Spatial disaster, such as earthquake, may cause disruption in spatial context due to the minimum until enormous changes might happen prior to the occurrence. Resilience become important for individual to cope both during and after it is happened. A comprehensive literature review of resilience from multidiscipline studies, such as psychology, health, environmental, behaviour, disaster management, and architecture, was conducted. The theoretical framework in the article explained how each variable interacts with others to promote individual resilience as a results after experiencing spatial transformations.</p> Copyright (c) Architecture as Storyteller: Exploring Sense of Place in Film-Induced Tourism 2024-06-20T12:38:13+07:00 Menik Nagita Maidy Chandra Dewi Asriani Nurlaila Josephine Melyana Rachman <p>Film-Induced Tourism is a phenomenon of tourism growth characterized by an increase in travel due to film. This is reinforced by the formation of visitors' emotional bonds with storylines that can develop into Sense of Place. There are three dimensions of Sense of Place, namely Place Identity, Place Attachment, and Place Dependence. This research will examine the Sense of Place in two Film-Induced Tourism objects, The Hobbiton and Bukit Rhema Merpati Putih Church by taking 60 Google Reviews from each object. The data will be analyzed qualitatively using conventional content analysis by creating segments and directed content analysis by grouping the segments into three types of dimensions. Based on the research, Place Attachment, especially Hospitality, is the biggest dimension that affects the formation of Sense of Place in both objects. Meanwhile, the influence of Place Identity and Place Dependence can be different depending on the purpose of the place.</p> Copyright (c) Utilization of Disposable Mask Waste and Coconut Fiber as Acoustic Panel Composite for Classroom 2024-06-19T19:24:06+07:00 Khairunnissa Ramadhani Arrizal Abdul Aziz Miftahul Akbar Ramadhan Amara Huaida Alifah Try Ramadhan <p>This research aims to address noise problems in classroom by innovating acoustic panels based on non-woven polypropylene composites from disposable mask waste and coconut fiber. The method used in this research is experiment to produce four samples of acoustic panels with various material composition. Then the samples go through characterization process conducted by chemical and physical test. After that, the result from the characterization is used for classroom noise simulation. The result shows that sample 1 with 100% non-woven polypropylene is the best at reducing noise in classrooms with frequencies ≤1000 Hz. This is supported by its characteristics which, when compared with other samples, have the largest pore size, the most stable mass change, and the lowest density. Meanwhile, sample 3 with a composition of 90% non-woven polypropylene and 10% coconut fiber was the best at reducing noise at high frequencies which is &gt;1000Hz.</p> Copyright (c) A Integration of New Buildings in Cultural Heritage Neighborhood: Conflicts in Planning 2024-06-19T16:46:12+07:00 Maulida Choirunnisa <p>The construction of new buildings in heritage neighborhoods presents complex challenges that require a balance between preserving the historic value of the area or accommodating the needs of today's society. This research examines the conflicts that can arise during the planning process of new buildings in managing these challenges. The research focuses on a case study of a cultural heritage area in an urban area of Surabaya, where a proposed development project triggered visual and regulatory conflicts. Through a cultural heritage approach and analysis of relevant theories, this research explores how the history of an area contributes to its current development. In addition, it examines the strategies used to resolve the conflict while maintaining the historical value. The findings of this research are expected to provide insights into the integration of new buildings in cultural heritage neighborhoods through recommendations to practitioners and policy makers to address these challenges more effectively.</p> Copyright (c) The Effect of Bolt Diameter on The Flexural Strength of Post-Used Teak WPC Joints 2024-06-15T16:12:38+07:00 Salma Amirah Dzakiyah <p>Wood Plastic Composite (WPC) is a wood derivative product made from wood powder mixed with HDPE plastic. The teak WPC used in this research is teak WPC with a service life of 8 years. In its application, wood requires a long span structure which can be done by joining. This research aims to determine the MoR and MoE values ​​and the effect of variations in bolt diameter on the flexural strength of post-used WPC teak connections. Research on the flexural strength of WPC Teak was guided by SNI 7979:2013, ASTM D198-2015 and RSNI T-07-2005, the dimensions of the test object were 1450 mm x 90 mm x 40 mm using the third-point loading method. The connecting tool used is a 6.35 mm diameter bolt; 7.94mm; 9.53mm; and 11.11 mm. With the results of successive bending strength research, namely 2.26 MPa; 3.02 MPa; 2.82 MPa; and 2.13 MPa. The flexural strength value in bolted connections is influenced by the area of ​​the connection and the diameter of the bolt has no effect on the flexural strength value.</p> Copyright (c) Daylighting Evaluation of Perforated Screen Façade with Light Shelf in the Tropics 2024-06-09T20:28:06+07:00 FENY ELSIANA Lilianny S Arifin <p>The use of large glass facades in buildings without external shading devices leads to a high daylight level, uneven daylight distribution, and glare. A perforated screen facade (PSF) is one of the shading systems that can provide daylight and view and prevent direct solar radiation into a building. More research is needed about the daylight performance of PSF in integration with daylighting systems in the tropics. A combination of PSF and light shelf (LS), a daylighting system that can redirect daylight to the ceiling and enhance daylight distribution, is proposed to improve daylight levels and reduce glare. The research aims to evaluate the daylight performance of PSF and LS in the tropics. The research method is experimental with simulation utilizing IES-VE Radiance IES. Average Daylight Factor (DFavg), Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI), and Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) of a room with a side window were compared with a room with PSF and LS. The results showed that implementing PSF and LS improved daylight performance by lowering the DFavg by 55%, increasing the UDI, and reducing the DGP.</p> Copyright (c) Reading the Semiotic Meaning of Jepara Mantingan Mosque Wall Decoration 2024-06-04T02:08:38+07:00 Natasya Putri Chaerunisa Amalia Mumtazah Ahmad Fauzan Hidayatullah <p style="text-align: justify; text-indent: .25in; margin: 0in 0in 10.0pt 0in;"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;">This article focuses on the reliefs of the Mantingan Mosque in Jepara, discussing the relationship between art and the environment. Through a semiotic approach, this article reveals the meaning of relief and its impact on public awareness regarding the environment. The reliefs adorning the walls of the mosque not only serve as decoration, but also contain moral and spiritual messages that encourage environmentally friendly behavior. Analysis of symbols and motifs in reliefs reveals their semiotic meaning. For example, the kalpataru tree symbolizes life, flowers symbolize harmony, while the Phoenix Bird synonymous with fire symbolizes the clues of life, burning selfishness, and greed. This relief shows that Javanese people in the past had a high awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. The values of local wisdom reflected in these reliefs can be valuable lessons for modern society to preserve the environment and live in harmony with nature.</span></p> Copyright (c) Concept and Meaning of Baiturrahman Grand Mosque Building Semarang as a Green Place of Worship and Sustainable 2024-06-03T16:14:34+07:00 Muhammad Viky Firmansyah Zahrotul Muwahidah Allizam Yahya Ahmad Fauzan Hidayatullah <p>This study explains the innovative concept and meaning behind the building of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque of Semarang, which aims to be a green and sustainable place of worship. Using qualitative research methods through in-depth interviews with mosques, architects, and residents, this research reveals how sustainability principles are integrated into mosque design. In addition, this study also analyzes the perception and understanding of the surrounding community towards the concept of green and sustainability in the context of worship. The findings of this study are expected to provide valuable insights into how to incorporate environmental and spiritual values in religious architecture, creating a balanced, harmonious, and sustainable environment for all parties involved.</p> Copyright (c) Architecture Students' Perception of AI in Academic Project Resolution 2024-06-03T10:46:06+07:00 Wahyu Ulfaizah Sahril Nurfadhilah <p>The aim of this research is to understand the role of artificial intelligence (AI) based on the perceptions of architecture students when utilizing AI to aid in the completion of their academic projects. This study used a Google Forms survey with semi-open and closed-ended questions, involving 289 undergraduate architecture students from Sulawesi Island. The analysis utilized descriptive statistics and Chi-Square testing using SPSS 26. The research shows that AI is well-liked by architecture students despite their limited knowledge, suggesting the need for more AI training and courses in educational institutions. Currently, AI is mostly used for non-design tasks like writing, but there is significant potential for AI tools in design tasks. These tools can enhance student creativity through brainstorming and inspiration. A balanced approach is essential to avoid negative effects on originality and credibility. Overall, AI can greatly assist architecture students academically, emphasizing the need for advanced AI technologies.</p> Copyright (c) Factors that Inhibit People from Walking in Urban Areas 2024-05-31T09:03:15+07:00 Maha Ni Komang Indra Mahayani <p>Walking is very important in the city because it helps people get from one place to another. Urban areas in Bali are experiencing rapid development because tourism is starting to normalize so that it is gradually entering the process of urban renewal. Improving the environmental quality of pedestrian paths is an important issue. The purpose of this research is to study how a person's physical condition, concepts, and activities influence their physical character and interest in walking. Quantitative methods are used using open questionnaires that are distributed randomly. Pedestrian criteria and facilities will be a source of data that is categorized as preventing pedestrians. A person who wants to walk must have good access and well-maintained facilities so that urban areas can be created specifically for pedestrian paths.</p> Copyright (c) Transit-Oriented Development and Land Value: A Systematic Literature Review 2024-05-30T16:36:34+07:00 Sescya Maulida Lazaref Ahmad Gamal <p>Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) offers an appealing approach to urban planning and has the potential to serve as a key determinant of land value. This systematic literature review investigates the effect of TOD principles on land value, exploring the dynamic interplay between transit infrastructure, urban design, and property values. A systematic search of the Scopus and Google Scholar databases was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) 2020 guideline to find relevant publications published between 2013 and 2023. The analysis comprised 22 empirical research studies, reflecting a diverse range of studies evaluating the relationship between TOD and land value. Different research contexts and analysis methods are also explored, providing a nuanced grasp of the intricate relationship between TOD and land value. The findings highlight the role of TOD principles in shaping land values within TOD catchment areas, providing insightful information for urban planners, policymakers, and scholars.</p> Copyright (c) Perencanaan Penerapan Aspek Smart Waste Management di Kota Samarinda 2024-05-30T09:24:49+07:00 Intan Rahmayanti Amalia Dwiyanti <p>Waste management mengacu pada segala upaya atau tindakan<br>untuk mengelola sampah sebelum mencapai Tempat Pembuangan<br>Akhir (TPA). Meskipun TPA selama ini menjadi solusi dalam<br>mengatasi sampah, keberadaannya dapat menimbulkan dampak<br>negatif, seperti pencemaran. Kota Samarinda merupakan salah satu<br>kota di Indonesia yang memiliki populasi penduduk cukup tinggi.<br>Kondisi topografi di kota ini termasuk dalam kategori dataran rendah<br>dengan terdapat banyak aliran sungai di dalam kawasan perkotaannya.<br>Diantaranya terdapat Sungai Karang Mumus, Sungai Karang Asam<br>Besar, Sungai Sambutan, Sungai Palaran, Sungai Loa Bakung, hingga<br>Sungai Mahakam. Dengan kondisi topografi yang seperti ini<br>permasalahan utama dalam bidang persampahan ialah pada sekitar area<br>sungai kota. Dimana berdasarkan hasil observasi di Kota Samarinda<br>masih banyak ditemukan sampah-sampah yang dibuang langsung ke<br>area sungai dan memenuhi tepi sungai. Tujuan dari pembahasan ini bagaimana penerapan aspek pengolahan sampah yang tepat untuk Kota Samarinda dengan melihat faktor sosial, lingkungan, serta ekonomi kotanya.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) Perencanaan Ruang Interior Kantin 2024-05-29T23:25:34+07:00 6oktaviani_hong <p>Seperti yang kita ketahui kantin kampus adalah fasilitas penting bagi penghuni kampus, dalam konteks ini penelitian membahas perencanaan dan perancangan kantin Universitas Mulawarman dengan pendekatan arsitektur ramah lingkungan.</p> Copyright (c) Redesain Pengembangan Kawasan Puncak Selili 2024-05-29T22:29:52+07:00 mulyani Nabeela - Afriza Riaki <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Arsitektur dan pariwisata memiliki hubungan yang erat. Arsitektur tidak hanya menjadi fondasi fisik bagi destinasi pariwisata, tetapi juga mencerminkan identitas budaya suatu tempat dan dapat menjadi daya tarik utama bagi wisatawan. Bukit Selili merupakan salah satu tempat wisata berupa dataran tinggi yang berada di Samarinda. Namun, sentuhan arsitektur belum terlihat pada kawasan wisata yang dibiarkan masih alami tersebut.&nbsp; Oleh karena itu, jurnal ini akan membahas terkait analisis data eksisting dan output desain Bukit Selili, Kota Samarinda.&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adapun metode yang akan digunakan pada penelitian ini ialah metode kualitatif berupa observasi secara objektif yang berdasarkan pada pengamatan langsung, dan dari kegiatan observasi yang telah dilakukan didapati beberapa masalah berupa akses jalan yang sulit, kurangnya sarana dan prasarana, tidak ada keamanan bagi pengunjung, dll. oleh karena itu dibuatlah sebuah perencanaan desain yang mampu menjawab beberapa masalah yang ada di site tersebut.</span></p> Copyright (c) Identifikasi Kemanan dan Kenyamanan Taman Cerdas di Kota Samarinda 2024-05-29T19:16:24+07:00 cici rahmayani rahmayani Rufaida Thohiroh Asy Syahidah <p>Ruang terbuka publik merupakan salah satu fasilitas yang sangat dibutuhkan di kawasan perkotaan guna menunjang fungsi-fungsi sosial, budaya, hingga ekonomi. Taman Cerdas berlokasi di Kota Samarinda dan merupakan salah satu ruang terbuka hijau yang memiliki banyak fasilitas. Namun, untuk standar kelayakan dalam hal kenyamanan dan keamanannya belum memenuhi standar sebab terdapat beberapa fasilitas dalam kondisi kurang baik dan seharusnya ruang terbuka publik memiliki aksesibilitas yang baik agar dapat diakses oleh berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dan mengobservasi area Taman Cerdas. Tujuan dari pembahasan ini untuk mengetahui standar kelayakan keamanan dan kenyamanan pada Taman Cerdas.&nbsp; Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini adalah tingkat kenyamanan dari parameter keamanan menggambarkan kondisi yang nyaman khususnya keamanan dalam beraktivitas di sekitar area taman.</p> Copyright (c) Revitalization of M-Bloc Space: Adaptive Reuse of Architecture in Jakarta Post-Independence 2024-05-29T10:24:53+07:00 Aisyah Yulia Nurliani Lukito <p>This study investigates the revitalization of M-Bloc Space in Jakarta's Blok M area. The project has transformed the area from its previous use as Perum Peruri employee housing and a currency printing facility into a thriving creative hub for millennials. The initiative debuted on September 26, 2019, as part of the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Program. Its goal is to revitalize the community while preserving its cultural heritage. The adaptive reuse strategy is critical because it ensures the preservation of Perum Peruri's historical architecture while also meeting modern sustainability and cultural preservation requirements. This approach successfully combines heritage with contemporary demands, promoting sustainable urban development and creating new opportunities for creative expression.</p> Copyright (c) The Impact of Spatial Layout on Commercial Property Value 2024-05-24T12:33:03+07:00 Yosephine Sitanggang Richard Feliandi <p>Tangerang regency has an extensive administrative area, so it is natural that many settlements are closer to the government centers of other regions such as the government center of Tangerang city and the government center of West Jakarta city than to the government center of Tangerang regency, such as Villa Tomang Baru residential. The strategic location and many supporting factors should make Villa Tomang Baru has a high value, but there is shophouses in the middle of the housing that has very few visitors and even tenants, which is Tomang Baru Square. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of commercial space layout on property value in Tomang Baru Square. The analysis was carried out with a qualitative method by collecting observation data and doing literature studies. From the literature study, the author found several research parameters for the spatial layout variable and the property value variable. After gathering literature and doing observation and analysis, the author found that spatial layout has a significant influence on property value. In this study, the property value of Tomang Baru Square which includes utility, scarcity, effective demand, and transferability aspects were analyzed through spatial layout variables which consist of anchor, supporting activities, integration and accessibility, building visuals, and comfort and safety. Based on the analysis result, it was found that the utility, effective demand, and transferability aspects were still not being fulfilled and therefore the property value has decreased.</p> Copyright (c) Media as Space: Virtual Tourism on Digital Era 2024-05-24T12:27:07+07:00 Bramasta Putra Redyantanu <p>This study explores the influence of various digital media on shaping spatial experiences in architecture. Beyond mere representation, this research aims to identify alternative space forms through media. In the era of technology, integrating virtual experiences into architectural design has become essential. Within tourism, architectural structures serve as integral components of spatial encounters. This qualitative case study focuses on the Aceh Tsunami Museum in various spatial media forms. Through direct exploration within the media development, this research analyzes the evolving landscape of spatial media. The study reveals that digital media offers more than visual representation—it provides diverse experiences and features that contribute to the evolution of alternative spatial forms. Architects can leverage this diversity to develop innovative spatial design practices across different media platforms.</p> Copyright (c) Revitalization of M-Bloc Space: Adaptive Reuse of Architecture in Jakarta After Independence 2024-05-19T20:50:36+07:00 Aisyah Yulia Nurliani Lukito <p>This study investigates the revitalization of M-Bloc Space in Jakarta's Blok M area. The project has transformed the area from its previous use as Perum Peruri employee housing and a currency printing facility into a thriving creative hub for millennials. The initiative debuted on September 26, 2019, as part of the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Program. Its goal is to revitalize the community while preserving its cultural heritage. The adaptive reuse strategy is critical because it ensures the preservation of Perum Peruri's historical architecture while also meeting modern sustainability and cultural preservation requirements. This approach successfully combines heritage with contemporary demands, promoting sustainable urban development and creating new opportunities for creative expression.</p> Copyright (c) Evaluation of Pedestrian Pathways on The UKSW Blotongan Campus Landscape on an Ecological Base 2024-05-16T14:06:34+07:00 Lidya Fayza Amaris Alfred Jansen Sutrisno <p>The pedestrian pathways within campus environments play a crucial role in ensuring safety, comfort, and efficient mobility for campus users. At the UKSW Blotongan Campus, there are several deficiencies in the pedestrian pathways that need to be addressed, especially concerning the needs of persons with disabilities and the lack of facilities such as traffic signs and dedicated bike lanes. Moreover, pedestrian pathways should also contribute to improving the surrounding environment. Therefore, the aim of this research is to evaluate the pedestrian pathways on campus and provide practical suggestions for their improvement and development. The method used is purposive sampling involving 20 trees with a diameter &gt;50 cm, which includes an inventory of existing conditions, analysis of carbon absorption and plant dust absorption, and comparison with technical standards. The analysis results show that the <em>Sesbania grandiflora</em> tree (Kembang Turi) can significantly absorb carbon and dust. Based on the analysis results, recommendations can be made for the sustainable and environmentally friendly improvement of pedestrian pathways at the UKSW Blotongan Campus.</p> Copyright (c) Gh Carbon-Neutral Architectural Design: Enhancing Comfort And Energy Efficiency In Commercial Complexes 2024-05-12T22:31:06+07:00 Hassan Mohammed Hussein Gbran <p>This study emphasizes the significance of carbon-neutral architectural design in reducing the environmental impact of buildings. It also highlights the underutilization of resilient ventilation systems and examines various morphological parameters of the atrium in Jin-an Shopping Mall. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used to analyze the impact of these parameters on ventilation and thermal comfort. The research involves the development of a program to automatically control air conditioning, leading to significant energy savings. The study determines an energy-saving efficiency of 7.34–9.64% and machine learning and genetic algorithms offer promising avenues for optimizing energy consumption. The study investigates morphological parameters in Jin-an Shopping Mall’s atrium, proposing an energy-saving automated air conditioning control program. Practical applications extend to other commercial complexes, emphasizing occupant well-being and overall sustainability.</p> Copyright (c) Evolution of Physical design features of Patient Ward (PW) and Supporting Services (SS) in English Asylums 2024-05-03T01:07:20+07:00 Intisar Ameen Mahbub Rashid <p>The study aims to understand how the physical design of PWs and SSs evolved in 19<sup>th</sup>century English asylums, and the reasons behind these design evolution. The design of PWs and SSs, kept changing throughout 19<sup>th</sup>century. To fulfill the aim, this study analyses, nine asylums constructed between 1851-1914 by tracking the changes in asylum function &amp; spatial layouts. Design guidelines are also examined from scholarly articles published between 1806-1866.</p> <p>Over the study period, the design of PWs changed, to accommodate low-income patients and better patient classification. With time classification criteria changed from gender-based classification to intensity of illness, paying capacity, and workability-based classification, which influenced design changes.</p> <p>Inside PWs dormitories replaced galleries and corridors were shifted from in-between patient beds to one side of the PWs. Both design changes reduced socialization, and improved patient control and supervision.&nbsp;</p> <p>The findings conclude that changes in the 19<sup>th</sup>century asylums might have been driven more by capitalistic motivations than by patients’ medical needs.</p> Copyright (c) Student Field Trip as an Integrated Method at the 1st Year of Architecture Design Studio 2024-06-14T11:16:10+07:00 Christine Wonoseputro <p><em>The student field trip is a learning method that obtain an introduction of architecture essence and consciously influences student's way of thinking in describing architecture. Field trip has become a complementary study program in 1st year. This program is implemented within the studio schedule and structured as an integrated program in studio assignment. It benefits students' inner capabilities​ do observation, data collection, and application of their understanding to in planning. This method also supports students' design ability inside​ to carry out the design process by doing analysis-synthesis. The research was carried out in Studio Design 1 at Petra Christian University in November 2023. Based on the results of the research, we found that the studio field trip program has helped students to understand some aspects of architectural design thinking.​ These include transforming a single mass and setting a single function of the building. Through student field trip, students also get hidden curriculum such as developing soft skills in doing team works and conducting site surveys. This program has great benefits in accomplishing appropriate targets and fulfilling the achievements of learning​ with Outcome Based Education curriculum.</em></p> Copyright (c) CONNECTIVITY MAPPING IN PUNCAK BOGOR AS THE RESULT OF URBAN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT 2024-04-25T10:57:13+07:00 Ova Candra Dewi Nadia Indriani Surbakti Farrah Eriska Putri Poeti Nazura Gulfira Akbar Hendricus Andy Simarmata Antony Sihombing <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a rapid growth sector, tourism must develop with low-emission approaches, efficient infrastructure, and improved connectivity to become more relevant. Analysis of tourist patterns in Puncak shows that most visitors arrive from Jakarta and stay for two days. Despite the availability of public transportation, private vehicles continue to be a strong means of transportation, demonstrating the need for improved infrastructure to reduce congestion. This study emphasizes the implications of accessibility and connectivity on transportation choices and the need for improved options to improve accessibility to reduce congestion. The result underlines the necessity of improving accessibility and connectivity along the Puncak-Cianjur National Road for sustainable tourism and congestion reduction. This study recommends interdisciplinary collaboration to address urban planning and transportation gaps</span></p> Copyright (c) PERAN KESADARAN SEBAGAI MEDIASI PENGARUH RELIGIUSITAS, LITERASI WAKAF DAN PROMOSI TERHADAP MINAT BERWAKAF TUNAI (Studi pada Mahasiswa Universitas Islam di Kota Malang) 2024-04-24T13:56:54+07:00 Bella Ayu Rahmawati <p><em>Berdasarkan fakta masih rendahnya realisasi penghimpunan wakaf tunai sedangkan potensi yang ada sangatlah besar, maka hal tersebut mencerminkan masih rendahnya minat berwakaf tunai. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti lebih lanjut terkait faktor-faktor yang diduga berpengaruh terhadap minat berwakaf tunai. Fokus permasalahan yang akan diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai religiusitas (X1), literasi wakaf (X2) dan promosi (X3) pada mahasiswa kampus Islam Kota Malang terhadap minat berwakaf tunai (Y) sebagai variabel terikatnya melalui kesadaran (Z) sebagai variabel mediasi. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuisioner yang disebar kepada 100 responden dengan menggunakan metode simple random sampling.</em> <em>Analisis dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) berbasis Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa religiusitas dan literasi wakaf berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kesadaran, promosi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kesadaran mahasiswa berwakaf tunai, religiusitas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat berwakaf tunai, literasi wakaf dan promosi berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap minat berwakaf tunai, dan kesadaran berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat berwakaf tunai. Adapun secara tidak langsung, kesadaran mampu memediasi religiusitas dan literasi wakaf terhadap minat berwakaf tunai, sedang tidak mampu memediasi pengaruh promosi terhadap minat berwakaf tunai.</em></p> <p><em>Despite the immense potential for cash waqf, its realization remains low, indicating a lack of interest in cash waqf. This study aims to investigate the factors influencing cash waqf interest among Islamic university students in Malang City. The research focuses on the relationship between religiosity (X1), waqf literacy (X2), promotion (X3), and cash waqf interest (Y) as the dependent variable, mediated by awareness (Z). Employing a quantitative research approach, data was collected from 100 respondents using simple random sampling and a questionnaire. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on Partial Least Square (PLS) was employed for data analysis. The results indicate that religiosity and waqf literacy significantly influence awareness, while promotion does not significantly impact students' cash waqf awareness. Religiosity significantly influences cash waqf interest, while waqf literacy and promotion do not. Awareness significantly influences cash waqf interest. Indirectly, awareness mediates the influence of religiosity and waqf literacy on cash waqf interest but not the influence of promotion.</em></p> Copyright (c) Vernacular Architecture of Tobong and the Roof Tile Industry in Godean, Sleman-Yogyakarta 2024-04-20T15:14:50+07:00 Muhammad Hafidhuddin Kemasa Ridwan Kurniawan <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Tobong, as the place for making and firing bricks and roof tiles, is the focus of this study. Tobong is a vernacular architecture built independently by the community, emphasizing the aspect of locality that integrates with nature. Although developing, the roof tile industry in Godean still faces challenges such as limited capital, human resources, production management, and market access. What is the role of Tobong as vernacular architecture in the roof tile industry in the Godean District, Sleman, and how does this vernacular architecture affect the roof tile production process? This study explores Tobong's role within the roof tile industry, shedding light on tradition, economics, and cultural preservation. Tobong, representative of vernacular architecture, serves as a cultural symbol, reflecting societal values. This research aims to deepen understanding of Tobong's significance and its impact on architectural practice and cultural identity. Tobong’s recognition and preservation contribute to vernacular architecture and cultural identity discussions.</span></p> Copyright (c) Impact of Safety Training and Communication on Construction Project Productivity: Case Study of Cape Coast 2024-04-18T13:10:45+07:00 ZAKARI MUSTAPHA <p>The construction industry is regarded as the major sector with the highest accident rate which adversely affects workers' efficiency and contributes to the low level of productivity. The study examined the impact of safety training and communication on construction project productivity in Cape Coast. Standard online questionnaires made up of a close-ended type were designed, using the ‘Microsoft forms’ platform. Microsoft Excel and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) were used for the data analysis. Findings show that First Aid and CPR Training were provided as part of the safety training programmes. Risk Management Enhancement programme was made available for the reduction of workplace accidents and injuries. Lack of Resources and Hierarchical Barriers were the major challenges of safety training and communication programmes. &nbsp;Construction workers must be educated on safety practices and safety training for site operatives and safety officers must be enhanced. Contractors must be passionate about safety execution and high priority must be given to the effectiveness of the Occupational Safety and Health training workers should change behaviours and develop the right attitude in observing safety rules and regulations to enhance and increase performance and productivity.</p> Copyright (c) The Reduce CO2 Emission Using Double Skin Facade In Smart & Green Learning Centre UGM Promoting Sustainable Building 2024-04-17T09:56:38+07:00 Murwantoro Panghargiyo Arif Kusumawanto <p>The Smart &amp; Green Learning Center is a tower building that offers co-working spaces on both its east and west sides. The objective of this study is to explore the impact of a double skin façade on heat generation and CO2 gas emissions in co-working spaces. To achieve this, the IES Virtual Environment software simulation method was employed. The monthly average heat gain without the use of a double skin façade ranged from 19 to 21.9 MWh, while the same metric with a double skin façade was between 14.1 and 16.1 MWh. This resulted in a decrease of 4.9 MWh (25.79%) for the lowest monthly average heat gain and a decrease of 5.8 MWh (26.48%) for the highest. Moreover, the use of a double skin façade led to a reduction in CO2 gas emissions by 20.7% to 21.1% at the Smart &amp; Green Learning Center.</p> Copyright (c) INCLUSIVITY OF BATU CITY ALUN-ALUN AREA: A STUDY TO EXPLORE DIMENSIONS AND CRITERIA FOR CREATING INCLUSIVE PUBLIC SPACE 2024-03-27T09:36:59+07:00 Izdihar Farah Hanun Johannes Parlindungan Siregar Christia Meidiana <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">Batu City is a tourist city in East Java, where one form of public space is the Batu City Alun-Alun Area. The vision and mission of Batu City as a tourist city also require the Batu City Alun-Alun Area to be an inclusive area. Meanwhile, Indonesia does not yet have specific requirements related to the provision of inclusive public spaces. The purpose of this research is to formulate the requirements for inclusive public spaces in Batu City consisting of dimensions and criteria explored through qualitative methods with coding analysis. Data collection was carried out using observation and in-depth interviews with 8 respondents with physical disabilities in Batu City with snowball sampling. Based on the analysis, it was found that inclusive public spaces are formed from three main dimensions, namely the physical dimension, social dimension, and environmental dimension. The three dimensions are unity and interconnected to form an inclusive public space.</span></p> Copyright (c) From Physical Models To Innovations: Technology Advances In Architectural And Civil Engineering 2024-03-23T22:15:33+07:00 Hassan Gbran <p>This study delves into the profound impact of physical prototypes on engineering design. It explores their historical and ongoing relevance in advancing architectural and civil engineering. The author emphasizes the critical role of measurement prototypes in pioneering engineering endeavors, highlighting their importance in validating innovative designs and ensuring operational integrity and safety. Through illustrative examples from structural engineering and architectural acoustics, the study underscores the enduring significance of physical models in engineering innovation. It provides valuable insights into the symbiotic relationship between physical prototypes and engineering theory, shedding light on their multifaceted role in propelling engineering advancements. Ultimately, the analysis offers a nuanced understanding of the integral contribution of physical prototypes to the advancement of the engineering discipline.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) Ah Strategies for using sustainable urban drainage systems in the architectural design of civil infrastructure projects in Jakarta 2024-03-23T00:16:20+07:00 Hasan Gbran <p>The current research is mainly targeting the major challenge of climate change and flood risk in Indonesia (Jakarta) through investigations on suitable methods of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS). Through climate scenarios and flood risk assessments, as well as SUDS efficiency appraisals, this study aims at helping stakeholders gain insight on innovative water management strategies. The combination of hydrological models, GIS analysis, and stakeholders’ engagement is the research approach that will enable the exploration of Jakarta's vulnerability to extreme weather events and introduce mitigation techniques in the form of SUDS. This study aims to address climate change’s impact on flood risk and develop sustainable design solutions so that the infrastructure in Jakarta can be resilient to flooding. The findings of this research are to provide a basis for decisions, plans, and policies towards green water management regulations and a more water-resilient urban built environment.</p> Copyright (c) Humanistic-Anthropocosmic Paradigm for Transformation of Slum Settlements in Urban Areas 2024-05-06T20:04:02+07:00 Yohanes Djarot Purbadi Reginaldo Christophori Lake <p><em>The purpose of this paper is to explain the idea of transforming slum settlements in urban areas in Indonesia in the era of climate change and within the context of multidimensional life. The paper discusses the ideas of Father Mangunwijaya and the inspiration from the Laudato Si encyclical, which are combined as the basis for promoting the transformation of slum settlements. The methods used in this article include literature review and empirical studies on slum settlements in several cities in Indonesia. The results show that the Humanistic-Anthropocosmic paradigm, a combination of Father Mangunwijaya's ideas and inspiration from the Laudato Si encyclical, has the potential to guide the transformation of slum settlements into sustainable and environmentally friendly ones by considering social, economic, and environmental aspects. This paper contributes to the development of a paradigm for transforming slum settlements rooted in humanistic architecture, education for liberation, ecological spirituality, integral ecology, and anthropocosmism.</em></p> Copyright (c) Front Matter (Cover, Editorial, Table of Content) 2024-03-18T08:27:12+07:00 Dimensi Journal of Architecture and Built Environment 2024-03-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dimensi: Journal of Architecture and Built Environment The Relationship Between Spatial Structure Development of City of Padang and the Economic Development of West Sumatera 2024-03-15T06:40:46+07:00 Wulansari Puspita Retno Widodo Dwi Pramono <p>Many scholars argue that cities never grow up of themselves but together with its Surrounding countryside’s, function and role as services as well as growth centre for its wider surrounding region. Beside arranged in a hierarchical system of cities in a wider landscape region, the organization of city’s function is reflected in the internal spatial structure from each city/urban. This research is aimed to further investigate and to test how city’s spatial organization correlate to the development of city as well as wider region. The research takes the development of internal spatial structure of the city of Padang within the period development of 1980 to 2019 as a case to be correlated with GDRP and population growth of City of Padang and of its hinterland -West Sumatera Province- as a case. The result of statistical analysis (correlation, descriptive, and regression) shows strong positive correlation between the urban’s internal spatial structure development with city development as well as with wider regional development. The total number of various city’s facilities, the number of aggregation nodes, as well the total area of aggregation grows alongside with the growth of GDRP as well as population both of City of Padang and of West Sumatera. The growth regional Service Center (RSC), Sub Regional Services Center (SRSR) and Neighbourhood Service Center (NSC) are determined by either economic and population growth of city and economic and population growth of its hinterland which is West Sumatera Province.</p> Copyright (c) A Analysis Tropical Architectural Design Of Thomas Karsten's Building (Case Study: Volkstheater Sobokartti) 2024-03-07T21:38:16+07:00 Maria Maharani <p>Responsive building for tropical climate is urgent, this is to achieve building comfort and energy saving. Therefore, it is appropriate for every building in Indonesia to apply tropical architectural design principles. One of the legend architects who always took advantage of the potential of the tropical climate was Thomas Karsten. This research discusses the application of tropical architectural design by Thomas Karsten with Volkstheater Sobokartti Semarang building as a object study. This study used qualitative descriptive analysis method. The collected data was then analyzed using tropical architectural design theory by &nbsp;"Tropical Buildings" lippsmeire. The results showed that Sobokartti building has applied all tropical architectural principles, ranging from orientation, cross ventilation, sun protection and vegetation. With the application of tropical design, Volkstheater Sobokartti able to exist for more than a century and comfortable to be used for activities as a place for cultural arts performances</p> Copyright (c) Tectonics of Tanean Lanjhang Architecture 2024-06-08T09:47:06+07:00 Catherine Kirsten Eka Wijaya Agus Dwi Hariyanto Phylicia Deosephine Soegiono Eveelyn Febe Gunawan <p>The research was conducted due to an interest in the evolving vernacular architecture that adapts to the changing needs of its inhabitants. Different regions within a province or in proximity to each other can exhibit varying spatial arrangement patterns. The differing cultures and needs of the inhabitants of those areas influence these varying spatial arrangement patterns. The expansion of vernacular houses forms a unique tectonic structure. This research identifies and classifies the evolving spatial arrangement patterns in Tanean Lanjhang and Osing vernacular houses. The second objective is to understand the uniqueness of the tectonic structure through the connections of elements in the expanded space. Both houses are examples of vernacular architecture referred to as growing houses. The parameter used for the growing house is horizontal growth. However, the difference in the growth of these two houses lies in the direction of the expansion of their space. The research method employed is qualitative, involving direct observations of the Tanean Lanjhang House and literature studies on the Osing House. The results of this research include the classification of various spatial arrangement patterns in Tanean Lanjhang and Osing houses, and an understanding of the uniqueness of the tectonic structure through the connections of elements in the expanded space.</p> Copyright (c) PERFORMANCE OF BAMBOO TRUSS WITH CURVED MODEL 2024-02-26T17:46:39+07:00 Ni'mal Abdu Prihatmaji Yulianto P. Prihatmaji Abdul R. Maghzaya <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research focuses on optimising bamboo trusses by utilising materials with high tensile strength and flexibility. Specifically, the study explores the use of split bamboo as a key component in the construction of curved systems within bamboo trusses. The truss, which spans 4 metres and is 2 metres high, consists of a base, truss legs and bracing elements. Whole bamboo is used at the base and underneath the truss, while the bracing section uses a stack of bent split bamboo. To assess the strength of the curved system, experiments were carried out using a hydraulic compression machine. The experimental results show that the truss incorporating this curved system can effectively withstand vertical loads, reaching a maximum load of 4.74 kN before suffering any damage. Throughout the test, the truss experienced a drop of 4.4 cm and a lateral displacement of 5 cm. The damage observed occurred primarily in the lower part of the truss due to splitting, as this section is integral to the entire arch system and acts as the tension rod with the highest load-bearing capacity.</p> Copyright (c) enhancing UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY IN THE DESIGN OF PUBLIC POST PRIMARY SCHOOLS: 2024-02-19T05:53:07+07:00 Gwaza mtaver <p><strong>Abstract</strong>:</p> <p><em>This research investigates the universal accessibility of secondary school buildings in Birnin Kebbi Metropolis, Nigeria, with a specific focus on understanding and improving physical infrastructure to accommodate diverse needs. Recognizing the fundamental right to education for all, including individuals with disabilities, the study utilizes a case study approach to assess the current state of secondary school buildings in the selected region. Employing a qualitative research approach, specifically an observational study employing an observation checklist as a data collection tool, the research aims to identify barriers and challenges that to universal accessibility. Key areas of examination include the adequacy of infrastructure, the presence of inclusive design features, and overall compliance with accessibility standards. The research contributes valuable insights to the existing knowledge on inclusive education in Nigeria, shedding light on the current status of secondary school buildings in Birnin Kebbi Metropolis. The findings shows that most of the public secondary schools in Birnin Kebbi were not designed with consideration for inclusiveness. The findings also includes recommendations for policy enhancements, architectural interventions, and awareness campaigns to create a more inclusive and accessible educational environment. By advocating for universally accessible secondary school buildings, the research aims to address the diverse needs of students, fostering an equitable and empowering educational experience for all. Overall, this research bridges gaps in understanding the accessibility landscape of secondary schools in Birnin Kebbi Metropolis. It not only identifies existing challenges but also proposes actionable recommendations for policymakers, architects, educators and other actor in the built environment to collaboratively work towards a more inclusive educational infrastructure in Nigeria.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Copyright (c) Seismic Performance of Multi-Story Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures due to Vertical and Horizontal Irregularities 2024-02-18T14:11:26+07:00 Hakas Prayuda Sandya Ros Anzelina Aditya Aria Hermawan Taufiq Ilham Maulana Muhammad Nur Ikhsan Samsul Abdul Rahman Sidik Hasibuan Satish Paudel <p>The irregularities in structures affect their seismic performance, particularly in earthquake-prone areas, such as Indonesia. This study aims to evaluate the seismic performance of multi-story reinforced concrete frame structures with vertical and horizontal irregularities. The building has total of 12 floors and features two different plan and vertical irregularities, namely the L and H buildings. Each horizontal irregularity has five variations of vertical irregularity. The frame structure is analyzed using STERA 3D software for non-linear dynamic time-history analysis. El-Centro, Kobe, and Parkfield earthquake time history data were used in this study. The seismic behavior investigated in this study consisted of base shear force, lateral deformation, stiffness, displacement, drift ratio, maximum acceleration, and capacity curve. Numerical simulation results indicate that each model performs differently when subjected to the same seismic load and material properties. It can be concluded that vertical irregularity significantly affects the seismic performance of high-rise reinforced concrete structures.</p> Copyright (c) Architecture Assessment of Bali Psychiatric Hospital Inpatient Ward: A Salutogenic Approach 2024-02-10T19:24:30+07:00 Made Arya Adiartha Komang Deddy Endra Prasandya Pande Putu Dwi Novigga Artha <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research addresses the critical task of evaluating and improving post-COVID-19 psychiatric hospital design, focusing on Bali Mental Hospital's inpatient ward. Applying Salutogenic Architecture principles, the study employs a mixed-methods approach to assess the ward's design based on Sense of Coherence components: Manageability, Comprehensibility and Meaningfulness. Despite Bali's high mental health cases, the study reveals significant deficiencies in the Manageability aspect, requiring urgent attention to nurse stations, patient monitoring, and accessibility. While Comprehensibility fares better, adjustments to address layout uncertainties are needed. Meaningfulness, though commendable, suggests opportunities for enhancement. Comparative analysis emphasizes the importance of refined design guidelines. Overall, the findings stress the immediate need for aligning the inpatient ward with Salutogenic principles, providing valuable recommendations for future mental health facility improvements.</p> Copyright (c) The Effect of Internal Environmental Factors of Medical Centers on Patients’ Health: A Literature Review 2024-01-30T20:28:41+07:00 Farnaz Siamian Faezeh Ghaffari Maryam Shabak <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In this study, we sought to determine which environmental factors in hospitals are effective in improving patient experience and expected outcomes. This study was conducted using the PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) research methodology and investigated multiple environmental factors including flooring materials, medical equipment design, room layout, unit design, mood, environment, music, and lighting. . The results suggest that environmental factors have a significant impact on patient health outcomes, with some studies showing strong evidence and others without formal research programmes. Environmental factors such as light, noise, and indoor air quality are found to affect patient health outcomes. Finally, this study highlights the importance of considering the environment when designing hospitals as it affects patient outcomes. Medical professionals and designers can use these findings to improve hospital infrastructure and improve the patient experience.</p> Copyright (c) ANALYSIS OF OUTDOOR THERMAL COMFORT IN KAMPUNG KOTA 2024-01-21T12:10:58+07:00 reinaldi primanizar Suhendri Dibya Kusyala <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">An urban kampung accommodates various types of house form in high density settlement. All of the houses are characterized by small building coverage, dense massing arrangement, and organic development. As one of urban kampung in Bandung, Tamansari, represent characteristics of Bandung urban kampung. Some studies have been conducted about Tamansari. Its high density presumably can create a good ambience in its outdoor space. By focusing on outdoor thermal comfort, this study aims to understand how the Urban Kampung organic development influences outdoor thermal comfort in the area. The study is conducted by computer simulation using envi-met 4 softwares. In order to get deeper understanding the effect of physical development around urban kampung to outdoor thermal comfort, representative outdoor space is modelled. This study conclude that principal variable: building arrangement, material surface, and vegetation are identified as key attributes.The findings of this study can assist planner or designer in designing a dense area with good outdoor thermal comfort.</span></p> Copyright (c) The Thermal Environment of Ompo Lake Tourist Area in Soppeng Regency 2024-01-11T11:10:48+07:00 Nurhasanah 7272 <p>Thermal comfort is a necessity for activity actors, one of which is in open space which is a place to accommodate various activities and social interactions, creating a comfortable situation in terms of thermal which is one of the things for creating activities in public open spaces. Thermal comfort is always associated with climatic situations, so the purpose of this study is to determine thermal comfort in one of the open spaces in Soppeng Regency by measuring temperature, humidity, wind velocity, and radiation at each measuring point being determined by time and place. This study is descriptive to explain the characteristics of the object based on the findings obtained for 30 days when the sky is clear. From the measurement results that have been statistically analyzed, it is known that there are factors that influence the high and low values ​​of temperature, humidity, and radiation at each measuring point. Also based on the Temperature Humidity Index (THI) analysis, it is known that there are differences in the level of comfort in the two measurement times, namely overall in the morning 07.00 - 08:30 CIT (UTC+8), the ten measuring points are included in the comfortable category and the afternoon 15:30 - 17:00 CIT (UTC+8) in the comfortable category on points that have vegetation and are uncomfortable at points that do not have vegetation.</p> Copyright (c) COMMUNITY VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT AGAINST LANDSLIDE HAZARD POTENTIAL IN TANAH DATAR REGENCY, INDONESIA 2024-01-09T08:52:17+07:00 Eggy Arya Giofandi Brigitta Audrynne Rombe Bunga Baba Barus Wahyu Iskandar <p>Many disasters have occurred in the hilly and mountainous areas along active faults in the western part of Sumatra Island, influenced by tectonic, volcanic, and anthropogenic activities that indirectly impact community life. The first step in understanding the impact of natural hazards, such as landslides, is to assess community vulnerability. This study aimed to assess community vulnerability factors in an integrated manner using the Analytic Hierarchy Process approach to parameters such as population density, age &lt;14 years, age &gt;44 years, number of women, number of health facilities, and number of education facilities. Vulnerability assessment, with a scientific evidence approach, provides better information for visualizing vulnerability, and can be used in disaster risk reduction, enhancing community adaptive capacity, and strengthening governance. Moreover, maximizing capacity for preparedness, community response, recovery, and adaptive building reconstruction can be achieved through sustainable spatial planning management.</p> Copyright (c) Exploration of Homeowners' Perception Towards Green Homes Features 2024-06-14T11:16:57+07:00 Anindita MD Krisna Adya Suwarno Natalia Larasati Dewi Kusuma Hanson E. Tjondrorahardja Daud <p style="font-weight: 400;">Green homes concept implementation is one of strategies to increase energy and water efficiency in residential buildings. Currently, the concept of green homes has been adopted by the public and promoted by the government because of its benefits. Utilization of green home features is known to benefit the environment and occupants. However, as the number of green home users increases, the adoption acceleration of green home features has barriers. Homeowners' perceptions of green home features determine homeowners' attitudes toward utilizing these features. This research aims to identify the hindering factors of green home feature adoption by exploring homeowners’ perceptions. The green home features such as smart lighting and sensor, energy-efficient labeled appliance, photovoltaic panel, water meters, dual-flush toilet, and rainwater harvesting are reviewed. Data was gathered using an online open questionnaire and analyzed using grounded theory method. Result shows green homes features’ adoption barriers consist of technical aspects, product availability, economics, knowledge, regulation, and motivation.</p> <div> <p class="keywords"><span lang="EN-US">Keywords: </span><span lang="EN-US">Energy conservation, green building, green homes, perception, water conservation</span></p> </div> Copyright (c) Explaining The Evolution of The Geometric System of The House in Qajar and Pahlavi Period in Iran 2023-12-25T13:49:31+07:00 Farshad Hatami Bargh Behrouz Mansouri Sayyed Mostafa Mokhtabad amrei Leila Zare <p>gradual changes in architectural style of residential buildings in the two historical periods (Gajar, first Pahlavi), from the impact of architecture and architecture of European and western countries in the second period of Gajar and transformation of facade buildings and the structure of spatial arrangement, style, and period of introversion to extraversion have led to changes in space and spatial function such as removing some intermediate functions. In this article, we will try to explain the process of study by library method and inductive research method on the analysis of the role of elements and cultural and Islamic values of residential buildings’ architecture on the evolution of its geometrical system during Gajar dynasty period. the results show that the shape pattern (mass - space) from one side mode in the middle of Gajar period to the central state in the late Gajar period is the majority and until the end of the first Pahlavi period, the central symmetry of the central courtyard has become less important and the central symmetry of the area is more important than the axis in both periods. Also in the first Pahlavi era, cross center has been important and the pattern of the plan in the Gajar period is rectangle and in the first Pahlavi period is square, and the rectangle has equal terms.</p> Copyright (c) H-G “FROM PHYSICAL MODELS TO INNOVATIONS: TECHNOLOGY ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING” 2023-12-13T02:04:56+07:00 Hassan Gbran <p>In this article, the author presents fresh insights and reexamines the use of physical models in the design processes undertaken by architectural and civil engineers. These models, which have evolved over the past three centuries, encompass mechanical, form-finding, and measurement models. The author emphasizes the significance of measurement models, particularly in innovative engineering projects that surpass existing knowledge or lack precedents. In such instances, engineers rely on additional evidence, beyond their own experience and current scientific knowledge, to ensure that their innovative designs will function as intended, be safe, and inspire enough confidence to commence construction. The author contends that physical models have been and continue to be crucial in engineering innovation, contributing equally to engineering theory in advancing the field. The article draws examples from the history of structural engineering, focusing on reinforced concrete and grid shells, as well as architectural acoustics.</p> Copyright (c) a WALKABILITY STUDY IN KAUMAN AND SURROUNDING 2023-12-10T21:16:14+07:00 Rhisa Aidilla Suprapto Ani Hastuti Arthasari Muhammad Fitrah Anugrah P Labuku Razan Alif Kadafi Ubaydilah Akbar Febri Kurniawan <p>This research aims to assess walkability using the Global Walkability Index (GWI) to find out the score and how friendly the Kauman tourist area is for pedestrians. The comfort of tourists in Kauman Village is the main goal of tourism activities. One of the parameters that influence the comfort of traveling is the ease of mobility by walking from one object to another. To increase tourist comfort, a sustainable tourism development model based on walkability is needed. To find out this, this research will begin by identifying the walkability conditions on the roads most frequently used by pedestrians, and then analyzing the walkability score in the area based on the Global Walkability Index (GWI). Furthermore, validation of the GWI result will be continued by using Urban Modelling Interface Simulation for Walkability, and the simulation score can reach the goal of walkability.</p> Copyright (c) ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS IN JAKARTA (MEGA KUNINGAN, SUDIRMAN AND THAMRIN AREA) 2023-12-07T17:41:45+07:00 harry kurniawan <p>High-rise buildings are becoming a necessity that is becoming more relevant day by day to answer urban needs and limited land in big cities. These high-rise buildings have a lot of potential for the city, such as determining the image and skyline of the city to the building envelope to influence observers' perceptions of the architectural character of high-rise buildings, to reduce energy use and even to produce energy. This study provides initial data on the architectural characteristics of tall buildings. Seventy-Seven (77) tall buildings as objects of observation were selected from three areas of the Central Business District (CBD) of Jakarta City, namely the Mega Kuningan area, the Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) area and the Thamrin area. The analysis method uses figure-ground analysis followed by typology analysis based on the building mass that has been previously mapped.&nbsp; The three characteristics of the shape of the building mass objects that are most common in the city of Jakarta are high-rise office buildings, namely squares with a ratio of 1:1, rectangles with a ratio of 1:1.5, and rectangles with a ratio of 1:2.</p> Copyright (c) PERCEPTIONS OF VIRTUAL TWO-DIMENSIONAL OBJECTS VARY DEPENDING ON THEIR BACKGROUND COLOUR 2023-12-05T17:07:00+07:00 Yulyta Kodrat Prasetyaningsih <p>Virtual exhibitions in visual art education are one of the media for academicians, students, and artists to share their creativity through virtual exhibitions. The issue in delivering a virtual presentation, whether in two-dimensional artworks exhibited online, is that it will give the same impression of visual acuity and spatial appearance as compared to the physical exhibition. This study aims to share the result proving that the background colour and lighting impress the observer via virtual. The test method uses visual simulations in the form of virtual exhibitions created with the Dialux Evo software application. The light simulation considers exhibition lighting standards such as bright solid light, lamp type, lamp layout, brightness, background colour, and two-dimensional objects in the form of original paintings. The visual simulation test involved 52 participants who responded with four categories of colours: red, blue, black, and white background colours with the same illumination level. Lighting systems use overhead and peripherals whose distribution produces light horizontally and vertically. Data analysis uses descriptive statistical analysis and Anova based on the variables tested. The results of this study show that the background colour significantly affects the impression of visual acuity. Chromatic blue backgrounds make two-dimensional objects more vivid than red, while black achromatic colours are more vivid than white. The difference in background colour does not affect the impression of depth of field at the same lighting level, but black is more influential than white, blue, and red. So, to give a spatial impression, there needs to be a difference in the lighting level and colour saturation.</p> <p>Keywords: <strong>Visual Impression, Virtual, Colour, Lighting</strong></p> Copyright (c)